Start getting your psoriasis under control by managing your triggers.
Follow the step-by-step, multi-week plan, developed by the Aqt co-founder, board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Elizabeth Hughes.
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Get your personalized plan today!
Get a detailed, multi-week day-to-day plan with step-by-step advice on the area of your life that is impacting your psoriasis the most (which we determine thanks to the diagnostic questionnaire we ask you to fill out at the beginning). By following the plan, you will be able to gradually reduce your most meaningful psoriasis triggers and introduce healthy habits, for lasting results in your psoriasis wellbeing.
All advice is backed by published psoriasis research and the guidelines of the National Psoriasis Foundation and written in person by Aqt co-founder, a board-certified dermatologist and health coach, Dr. Elizabeth Hughes
You will get specific and actionable tips in your plan on the habits that you can implement in your every-day life right from today
Get detailed, actionable guidance on the area of your life that is most likely to be your biggest psoriasis trigger - whether it is stress, sleep, nutrition, or something else - as well as advice on all other areas.
The tips we include in the plan are driven not only by Dr. Hughes' 3-decade-long experience practicing dermatology, but also by published studies that demonstrated the effectiveness of these interventions for psoriasis
Everyone is different. That is why we first analyze your case before creating your plan, so that your plan reflects your needs and focuses on the areas of your life that are most likely triggering your psoriasis
get results or 100% of your money back ✅
N.B. the plans should be considered as health coaching suggestions and not as medical advice. We do not advise on treatment, only on lifestyle changes. Consult your treating dermatologist for treatment prescription
Take control of your psoriasis with Aqt:
Less intense symptoms
Better response to medication
More predictable flare-ups
Longer symptom-free periods
The Lifestyle Plan is for you if:
You noticed that your life (stress, sleep, diet, sun exposure, etc.) affects your psoriasis
You want to understand which area of your life triggers your symptoms the most
You believe that medication is not enough to fully control psoriasis
You want to control your flare-ups and maintain results long-term
You want to follow only evidence-based, scientifically proven advice
You are committed to making changes to your lifestyle to improve your wellbeing
The Lifestyle Plan is NOT for you if
You are after overnight results and quick fixes
You think medication is enough for long-lasting clear-skin results
You think that psoriasis is unpredictable and cannot be controlled
About Dr. Hughes
Dr. Elizabeth Hughes co-founded Aqt in 2024. Educated at Princeton and the University of Virginia, she received her dermatology training at Stanford and has been practicing dermatology for three decades since.
Caring for patients with skin conditions and living with eczema herself, Elizabeth realized that medication alone is not enough to manage conditions like psoriasis. She discovered that lifestyle plays a crucial role in treatment. This insight motivated her to train as a health coach and eventually co-found Aqt.

All our Aqtions are backed up by studies:
Everything we say is derived from published medical literature. For instance, from these studies here below!
Madden, S. K., Flanagan, K. L., & Jones, G. (2020). How lifestyle factors and their associated pathogenetic mechanisms impact psoriasis. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 39(4), 1026–1040. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2019.05.006
Hailey, L. H., Amarnani, R., Bundy, C., McGagh, D., James, L., Kirtley, S., O'Sullivan, D., Steinkoenig, I., Suribhatla, R., Vivekanantham, A., & Coates, L. C. (2023). Lifestyle Modifications and Nonpharmacologic Interventions to Improve Outcomes in Psoriatic Arthritis: A Systematic Review. Clinical therapeutics, 45(9), 841–851. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinthera.2023.05.009
Ko, S. H., Chi, C. C., Yeh, M. L., Wang, S. H., Tsai, Y. S., & Hsu, M. Y. (2019). Lifestyle changes for treating psoriasis. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 7(7), CD011972. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD011972.pub2
Yeroushalmi, S., Hakimi, M., Chung, M., Bartholomew, E., Bhutani, T., & Liao, W. (2022). Psoriasis and Exercise: A Review. Psoriasis (Auckland, N.Z.), 12, 189–197. https://doi.org/10.2147/PTT.S349791
Rousset, L., & Halioua, B. (2018). Stress and psoriasis. International journal of dermatology, 57(10), 1165–1172. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijd.14032
Yang, H., & Zheng, J. (2020). Influence of stress on the development of psoriasis. Clinical and experimental dermatology, 45(3), 284–288. https://doi.org/10.1111/ced.14105
Bhutani, T. and National Psoriasis Foundation. (2021, May 4). Sleep Matters: Exploring sleep and psoriatic disease. https://www.psoriasis.org/watch-and-listen/exploring-sleep-and-psoriatic-disease/
National Psoriasis Foundation. (2021, January 18). Mind, body, sleep and psoriasis. https://www.psoriasis.org/advance/mind-body-and-sleep-relationship/
National Psoriasis Foundation. (2021, June 21). Smoking and psoriasis. https://www.psoriasis.org/advance/smoking-and-psoriasis/